In dysfunctional social units there is victimization. There are certain victim characteristics I want to write about today, in particular, as the General Election in UK approaches.
Victims learn through repeated failures that there is no hope for a better world and that they are worthless. It is not difficult at all to understand why this thinking arises: past performance is taken to indicate the future performance. Well, if you were an investor, nobody could guarantee to you future performance based on the past profits. Similarly, all business would strive to do better.
Learned behaviour resulting in feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness is not necessarily how things are or could be for the victims.
Hopelessness and worthlessness result in refusal of help, lack of effort and trust in others amongst other serious consequences. Victim who feels worthless is saying: "Why should anyone care about me? I am not able to test others to find out if they are worthy of me as I am worthless myself" This is how voters who are apathetic stay at home and do not vote true to their value system of worthlessness and hopelessness. President Obama was so right to run his campaign with a slogan: "Yes, we can".
There are extremes of worthlessness and hopelessness which can lead to suicide and damage to other people.
To overcome feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness one has to put things in perspective and realize the origin of such thinking. There are choices that one can make as an adult that one could not do as a child, for example. The choices are there for us all the time, as it reflects our inner world as well in how it develops.
Inspirational readings about great historical figures and how they overcame their difficulties is very helpful and not just to those who are aware of their feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness.
Doing new things everyday is strengthening even if it is a minor change such as driving the car using a slightly different route. Gradually, one builds confidence in doing things differently, being open to change and the ability to protect oneself.
Having dreams is important as in dreams we are capable of everything. To liberate one's brain to dream well, one starts while awake allowing imagination to leave imprints in memory. Human brain remembers reality and fantasy and whilst asleep it has a choice what to work with, as it is always doing something. Positive visualisation exercises can get rid of the nightmares and much more.
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