Professor DKK worked for General Medical Council as Health Screener in Fitness to Practice Directorate.
She died in July 2009 while still employed by the General Medical Council. Family informed GMC of her death. Six months after her death GMC issued a Registration Certificate to her. She did not pay the annual fee and months later a reminder letter was sent to Professor DKK reminding her of the fees due.
GMC no longer issues Registration Certificates.
Is that the level of incompetence of the GMC or is something more sinister going on? Has the GMC got the the level of ID theft?
It is unlikely to be anything to do with improper or sinister motives from GMC.
This could have happened because of administrative error and I think, GMC would agree.
Please, do not ask me why this error happened as I do not know. In any case, the certificates are not issued any longer.
I guess, it could have been due to the way the system was set up to avoid doctors not having certificates due to failure to pay on time.
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