There has been a murder in Blackpool. A couple of health professionals worked together in Blackpool Hospital then not and one got murdered. One of the health professionals was transferred to another job before the murder. Article quotes the murdered nurse colleagues describing her as wonderful.
Some doctors would not be surprised to hear that there has been a murder in Blackpool hospital. There are doctors who have been severely provoked by dishonest and bulling doctors in management positions in Blackpool and when they stood up for what is right, they suffered malicious persecution before their regulatory body. These doctors ended before the General Medical Council for alleged aggressive behaviour. All were foreigners and in the usual manner of the GMC they all got slaughtered like sacrificial goats. These doctors were locum psychiatrists and could never get another job in medicine.
I remember trainees in psychiatry in Blackpool being neglected due to slowness and lack of interest in allocating educational supervisors to each trainee promptly. When I stood up for better training the whole gang of dishonest consultant psychiatrists in Blackpool descended on me. There was another one who joined the pack: a professor of psychiatry from Manchester whom I never even met before he stabbed me in the back. The training of junior psychiatrists has been inadequate for years according to the reports from The Royal College of Psychiatrists, yet The Royal College itself was incapable of thinking of the better system without getting persecutory of the critic.
I feel sad for all the good people I met in Blackpool.
I hope the police will find the truth and that court is prepared to hear it unlike the General Medical Council which is only interested in supporting old boy networks.
Some doctors may not be good people but that does not mean that good people cannot be doctors.
Some doctors are downright bullies but that does not mean that all bullies are doctors.
Good or bad doctors do not have to be 'homegrown' but that does not mean that all foreign doctors are good or bad either.
The GMC might be a POS but that does not mean that all decisions taken are wrong. It is possible that a foreign doctor may be a bad doctor or it may be perceived that he is merely because he is foreign.
Nothing is set in concrete.
Using the murder of someone in a way that is totally unrelated to the point you wish to make is always wrong.
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