For about 11 years he had various General Medical Council disciplinary hearings because GMC could not cope with his reasoning. Disciplinary hearings are felt as a huge public humiliation. Such stress is known to be associated with the higher risk of dying from myocardial infarction, and strokes.Read HERE about Humiliation its nature and its consequences.
Results of search on: 28 Nov 2013 at 20:04:30. The details shown are valid at the date and time of the search only. (well , they are not, Dr Skinner has died)
GMC Reference Number 0726922
Given Names Gordon Robert Bruce
Surname Skinner
Gender Man
Primary Medical Qualification MB ChB 1965 University of Glasgow
Status Registered with a licence to practise; this doctor is on the Specialist Register
This doctor has conditions
Conditions on the doctor's registration
From To Condition
23 Nov 2013 23 Jul 2014
1. He must notify the GMC promptly of any professional
appointment he accepts for which registration with the GMC is
required and provide the contact details of his employer.
2. He must allow the GMC to exchange information with any
employer he may have or any contracting body for which he
provides medical services.
3. He must inform the GMC of any formal disciplinary proceedings
taken against him, from the date of this determination.
4. He must inform the GMC if he applies for medical employment
outside the UK.
5. a. His clinical work in relation to prescribing of thyroid
replacement therapy must be supervised by a named Consultant
Endocrinologist. This means that his day to day work must be
supervised by this consultant who may be off site but must be
available to be called if necessary. However, as a minimum, his
work must be reviewed at least once a fortnight by the
supervising consultant. This review should include regular case
based discussions, with reference to his logbook. This logbook
may additionally be provided in an electronic format agreed with
his supervisor. b. He must seek a report from his supervisor for
consideration by this Panel, prior to any review hearing of this
6. In any patient with normal thyroid function test results and
with a history of cardiac disease, he should not initiate treatment
with Thyroxine without first having an opinion from the patient’s
cardiologist or GP, which should be recorded in his logbook.
7. He must keep a contemporaneous logbook of all patients for
whom he prescribes or recommends thyroid replacement
therapy. This book must identify the patient only by their initials
and NHS number together with the name and contact number of
the referring practitioner, and should be initialled and dated by
the patient. a. The logbook he keeps must indicate: i. The reason
for the prescription of thyroid replacement treatment; ii. The
most recent thyroid blood test results, dated, regardless of
whether or not the blood test was carried out by a general
practitioner or himself; and iii. The dose he has prescribed or
recommended of thyroid replacement treatment. b. This logbook
must be available for consideration by this Panel, prior to any
review hearing of this Panel. In addition, any electronic version of
the logbook should be available to the Panel.
8. He must inform the following parties that his registration is
subject to the conditions, listed at (1) to (7), above: a. Any
organisation or person employing or contracting with him to
undertake medical work b. Any locum agency he is registered
with or applies to be registered with (at the time of application) c.
Any prospective employer or contracting body (at the time of
He would have found the above conditions unbearable and hugely damaging to him.
He will be missed much by his family and his patients who depended on him for their treatment. We were thought at medical school that we treat the patient not the blood test.